Iranian Company Produces Cosmetic Products Based on Aromatherapy Science
17:00 - October 12, 2022

Iranian Company Produces Cosmetic Products Based on Aromatherapy Science

TEHRAN (ANA)- A member of the young and elite researchers club of the Islamic Azad University’s Qom branch announced the presentation of cosmetic products based on the aromatherapy science by an Iranian knowledge-based company.
News ID : 357

“The Black Sparrow eau de parfums formulated and prepared in Zhavgostaran Shakil company are based on the aromatherapy science and the effect process is based on the frequency of the base notes which causes various effects in a way that calceum eau de parfum increases concentration and vitality and reduces stress and anxiety due to the presence of citrus notes,” Mohammad Ma’soumi, a bachelor student in applied chemistry, told ANA on the sidelines of ‘Asreh Omid Event’.

Ma’soumi named the second product presented at the exhibition by the company as the powder mask, and said, “Black Sparrow brand powder mask contains specific amounts of mineral soil which is mixed with a specific solution and then is used.”

“This solution contains peach essential oil and is rich in vitamins and it increases the frequency through skin absorption and blood circulation by sending messages to brain neurons,” he added.

Ma’soumi said that another product presented to the exhibition is the hair mask, and noted, “Black Sparrow brand hair mask reduces inflammation of the scalp, prevents allergies and creates soothing properties by using the properties of the rose flower and the frequency of this plant with the process of massage and penetration into the blood stream.”

Asreh Omid Event was held in Tehran's Mosalla from May 29 to June 1, 2022.

The event aimed to exhibit new achievements and products in the technological and innovation arenas in line with opening new windows towards strengthening the idea of creating ground for knowledge-based businesses at the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Azad University.

Some 3,000 knowledge-based companies, laboratories, research centers, and startups took part in Asreh Omid Event.





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